How Are Dead Sea Minerals Good for Your Skin?

What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase ‘Dead Sea’? You’ll probably answer this: ‘the fountain of skin youth.’ After all, the Dead Sea is an abundant source of minerals that have been proven incredibly beneficial to human skin and the body.
But how exactly are Dead Sea minerals good for your skin? Today, we will go through the key reasons why the Dead Sea is called ‘the fountain of skin youth.’
First, let’s talk about the Dead Sea salt.
What’s the key element behind the therapeutic powers of the Dead Sea? It’s the salt. More specifically, it’s the unique mineral composition of the Dead Sea salt.
The Dead Sea has the inability to drain, which leads to the formation of salt packed with tons of minerals. The Dead Sea salt is unlike any other salt on the planet. In fact, it’s rich in 21 different minerals; 12 of which are only found in this famous salt lake. Some of these unique minerals include magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, bromides and iodine—which all bring incredible benefits to your skin and body.
What do Dead Sea minerals do for your skin?
When used in facial creams, serums, masks, bath soaps and other skincare products, Dead Sea salt and its unique compound of minerals can help:
Hydrate your skin.
With a lot of magnesium, Dead Sea salt can strengthen your skin’s lipid barrier. It helps your skin retain moisture, making it a reliable element to fight against dry skin. It also contains other Dead Sea minerals known for healing & nourishing your skin. So start using moisturising cream or cleansing soap made from Dead Sea minerals.
Eliminate dead skin cells.
Dead skin cells can dull the look of your skin and clog up your pores. You can help your body efficiently shed these cells by using a great Dead Sea salt exfoliator. Packed with healthy minerals, a Dead Sea salt scrub or body scrub will flake off all your dead skin while speeding up your skin’s natural rejuvenation process.
Fight against acne.
As a skin cleanser, the power of Dead Sea Salt lies in its generous amount of sulphur. With antimicrobial properties, sulphur works like salicylic acid, a common skincare product used to treat acne. But compared to salicylic acid, sulphur soap is gentler on the skin, making it a good acne-fighting option, even for sensitive skin.
Treat chronic skin conditions.
Besides treating acne, Dead Sea minerals can help manage chronic skin conditions, including psoriasis and eczema. From magnesium to zinc, the minerals in Dead Sea salt can help boost skin hydration and reduce skin inflammation. In turn, the swelling, itchiness and other symptoms of eczema or psoriasis will be reduced.
Achieve younger-looking skin.
Packed with over 20 minerals, Dead Sea salt offers anti-ageing effects. It helps your skin lock in more moisture, gets rid of dead skin cells and softens your skin. The result? You’ll have younger-looking skin with reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. So if you want to refine your skincare routine, try using Dead Sea skincare products.
Shop our Dead Sea mineral skincare products today.
Are you ready to reap the benefits of Dead Sea salt and its minerals for your skin? Start shopping here at Jericho Skincare Australia. When it comes to Dead sea products in Australia, we’re one of the growing skincare brands you can trust.
We offer a wide collection of natural skin care, body care and hair care products made from Dead Sea salt, minerals and other organic ingredients. Each product is formulated to benefit the health of your skin. You’ll find the one that will work best for your dry, oily or sensitive skin at Jericho Cosmetics.